Western Auto
know, it's something that maybe somewhat strange to people nowadays,
but the Revelation brand shotgun was a fine, fancy, and somewhat rare
shotgun that was distributed through Western Auto. My father owns this
fancy pump action shotgun, and my brother has it, but it's technically
MY gun via the time honored, and almost Biblical concept of
My Father purchased a rather upscale model of this gun from Western Auto in about 1970 for, he thinks, $129.00. One hundred and twenty nine dollars was a pretty good sum of money to spend for a pump action shotgun in that year, and I tell you this much, that gun sells for much, much more than that now. My Father's (MINE!) particular gun itself would sell for much, much more than that used.
My Father purchased a rather upscale model of this gun from Western Auto in about 1970 for, he thinks, $129.00. One hundred and twenty nine dollars was a pretty good sum of money to spend for a pump action shotgun in that year, and I tell you this much, that gun sells for much, much more than that now. My Father's (MINE!) particular gun itself would sell for much, much more than that used.
Fancy Specifications
particular Revelation twenty gauge pump shotgun has some very fancy
specifications that make it an heirloom quality gun. It has a "scroll"
stock, which basically means that it's got some designs whittled, or
engraved into the wood, a ribbed barrel, which is a sort of fancy sight
for shooting accuracy, and besides all of that, the Revelation brand
itself is somewhat of a rare, collector's brand of gun.
The Plug
the United States of America it is illegal to hunt with a shotgun
carrying more than three rounds of ammunition. That doesn't mean,
however, that more rounds can not be contained, or fired from one of
these guns without reloading the gun. If one were to take the plug out
of one of these guns, then seven rounds can be fired from this gun
without reloading. One should make certain that he is not hunting should
one get CAUGHT with a weapon such as this one, or any other shotgun,
having more than three rounds loaded, or the capacity to load more than
three rounds, as this is highly illegal, and the fine, I'm sure, for
getting caught with the proverbial "shotgun pants down," is rather
Revelation brand gun is actually made by Mossberg, a very well known,
and still dominant brand of firearm world wide. The proper name for that
company is O.F. Mossberg & Sons Inc., and they specialize in
rifles, shotguns, and scopes. That company enjoys a long and highly
reputable reputation for their products beginning in 1919. The
Revelation brand gun is no longer in production, but comparable Mossberg
models are. Owning a gun branded "Revelation" is an interesting and
collectible piece of American trivia. I've seen these guns listed as in
"good" condition on the internet for just over $100.00, but without the
pictures to tell, I'm thinking that a gun selling at that price doesn't
have the fine engraving on the stock that my particular gun has, and
probably does not have the ribbed barrel either.
Mossberg and/or Revelation twenty gauge pump shotgun is a fine gun to
own and use for hunting or target shooting. The same gun exists in 410,
20, and 12 gauge models. I'm willing to bet that, but as of yet unable
to prove, that the Revelation gun can also be found in the more rare 16
gauge size as well. While the Revelation gun is not in production, it is
a quality gun, and good condition specimens are available for sale. If
you are interested in a new model of this gun, then you'll have to shop
for a Mossberg, or comparable brand of gun.
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