Wine deserves much more
of a look than I shall give it here. A National Geographic article that
I have postulates that human civilization was basically founded upon
the backs of steady supplies of wine. You see, that hunter and gatherer
nonsense just didn't fit in with maintaining ye olde field of grapes,
and the fermentation of which produced the steady and sustainable supply
of the bubbly fruity tastes with the kick in the desire to expound upon
various and sundry bits of Bovine Scatology. But in the spirits of
which, and upon the fruits of such I shall certainly digress.
Basically, I've forever been the red neck plebeian beer drinker. I've recently though, taken to purchasing whichever bottle of vino that is currently available on the discount shelves of the local grocery or CVS. Tis' merely the way that I roll.
A common misconception is that only red wines are healthy, this simply isn't true. The white wine people need to get their public relations folks on the streets - science proves that white wines are also full of anti oxidants, and especially benefit the lungs of the wise and moderate drinker.
Basically, I've forever been the red neck plebeian beer drinker. I've recently though, taken to purchasing whichever bottle of vino that is currently available on the discount shelves of the local grocery or CVS. Tis' merely the way that I roll.
A common misconception is that only red wines are healthy, this simply isn't true. The white wine people need to get their public relations folks on the streets - science proves that white wines are also full of anti oxidants, and especially benefit the lungs of the wise and moderate drinker.
Rothschild wines
Wine can help you get through the rough spots in life
just must be more to life than sitting around and creating yet another
review of an acoustic guitar for about a dollar a day. I've got to
create debt somehow, and my preferred manner of stimulating the economy
whilst creating ever increasing levels of debt for myself is to simply
drink it, and piss it all down the rat hole. I've got to do something
while trying to be entertaining on the internet, and I don't tell you
how to spend your time, do I?
I'm a person who is very fond of definite definitions, I do not like confusion - unless, of course, I paid for it. I refuse to acknowledge that any product of fermentation involving things other than grapes as being wine at all. Call me a purist if you like. I sat and got toasted on sake in San Francisco's Chinatown - Hell, I've got pictures of it even, but I'll not ever say that sake was wine. Sake is just sake, and it's quite a bit stronger than any wine that I've ever had.
REAL WINE, the stuff made of grapes - goes back at least EIGHT THOUSAND YEARS into the history of humanity, and so far as is known, first surfaced in what is now the modern Eastern European nation of Georgia - this is fitting, as the Khazarian Rothschild clan, that claims to be Jewish without practicing Judaism. . .is the largest single profiteer of wine in the entire world. Thousands of years later wine became common in the Balkan peninsula, in Greece, and of course, made it's way West to Rome, where Bacchus magically transformed himself from having previously been Dionysus
Throughout human history there has been wine. Wine is present in the Bible, The Torah, the works of Homer, and was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun - make no mistake about this, my friends, we will always have wine. We may not have always had it, but now that we do - it's not leaving the presence of humanity - EVER.
But who cares anything about nonsense such as history? History is only what people use when they are pointing fingers at persons who hold ideologies that they do not wish to succumb to. Folks will claim things like Christians committed the murders of imperialism in the crusades. . . .despite the plain and simple fact that Love Thy Neighbor is diametrically opposed to warmongering and murder. Don't we have some WINE to drink? Why YES, yes we do!
I'm a person who is very fond of definite definitions, I do not like confusion - unless, of course, I paid for it. I refuse to acknowledge that any product of fermentation involving things other than grapes as being wine at all. Call me a purist if you like. I sat and got toasted on sake in San Francisco's Chinatown - Hell, I've got pictures of it even, but I'll not ever say that sake was wine. Sake is just sake, and it's quite a bit stronger than any wine that I've ever had.
REAL WINE, the stuff made of grapes - goes back at least EIGHT THOUSAND YEARS into the history of humanity, and so far as is known, first surfaced in what is now the modern Eastern European nation of Georgia - this is fitting, as the Khazarian Rothschild clan, that claims to be Jewish without practicing Judaism. . .is the largest single profiteer of wine in the entire world. Thousands of years later wine became common in the Balkan peninsula, in Greece, and of course, made it's way West to Rome, where Bacchus magically transformed himself from having previously been Dionysus
Throughout human history there has been wine. Wine is present in the Bible, The Torah, the works of Homer, and was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun - make no mistake about this, my friends, we will always have wine. We may not have always had it, but now that we do - it's not leaving the presence of humanity - EVER.
But who cares anything about nonsense such as history? History is only what people use when they are pointing fingers at persons who hold ideologies that they do not wish to succumb to. Folks will claim things like Christians committed the murders of imperialism in the crusades. . . .despite the plain and simple fact that Love Thy Neighbor is diametrically opposed to warmongering and murder. Don't we have some WINE to drink? Why YES, yes we do!
Wine in ancient Rome
Ancient Rome played a
huge part in the proliferation of wine culture. Before Rome created a
civilization based on laws, wine was something that only Feudal Lords or
the King's courts could enjoy. During the long pre empire and during
the Roman Empire years - everyone could afford and consume wine.
Viticulture and wine production spread outward from all the roads that led to Rome, and soon, every province with Roman connections were enjoying the fruits of various vines. The techniques and principle mechanics of Roman viticulture are still in effect today, in our high tech world - sometimes we realize that the ancients just DID have things right. Early on in Roman wine drinking culture Greek wines were the prized vintages, and Roman domestic wine fetched lower prices. But by the second century B.C. the Golden Age of wine production had begun, and it was estimated that Roman citizens drank forty seven million gallons of wine annually.
One of the major tragedies of the world of wine, ancient Rome, and the entire history of Europe was the destruction of Pompeii at the hands of an angry volcano. I personally tend to think that it twas more the actions of THE God being angry, for the people of Pompeii were notorious for their bacchanals and and worship of false gods of debauchery. The wine of Pompeii was a huge source of trade for the Roman world, it was so good that counterfeit Pompeian wine and wine fraud were huge issues requiring that Amphorae had to be stamped with the emblems of Pompeian merchants to combat the issue.
The God of creation was rather annoyed by all of this, and this false god Bacchus - in fact, he was so annoyed by the apostate heathens of Pompeii that he decided to express himself a bit, and so, The 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius had a devastating effect on the Roman wine industry. Vineyards across the region were destroyed, as well as warehouses storing the recent 78 AD vintage, causing a dramatic shortage of wine. The damage to the trading port also hindered the flow of wines from outside provinces. The wine that was available rose sharply in price, making it un affordable to all but the most affluent Romans. The wine famine caused a sense of panic among the Romans who rushed to plant vineyards in the areas near Rome, even uprooting grain fields in order to have more available areas to plant.
I have to imagine that despite how much everyone loves wine that uprooting grain fields was probably a bad idea for the poor of Rome - but such is life in a world where only the financially fittest are deemed evolved enough to survive. Darwin must have been drunk on wine - he thought that his family and some others were genetic superiors, and so they only bred with themselves, and the Darwin DNA is rather dull and stupid to this day. Seriously - investigate Darwin's eugenics! It's a major LOL!
Viticulture and wine production spread outward from all the roads that led to Rome, and soon, every province with Roman connections were enjoying the fruits of various vines. The techniques and principle mechanics of Roman viticulture are still in effect today, in our high tech world - sometimes we realize that the ancients just DID have things right. Early on in Roman wine drinking culture Greek wines were the prized vintages, and Roman domestic wine fetched lower prices. But by the second century B.C. the Golden Age of wine production had begun, and it was estimated that Roman citizens drank forty seven million gallons of wine annually.
One of the major tragedies of the world of wine, ancient Rome, and the entire history of Europe was the destruction of Pompeii at the hands of an angry volcano. I personally tend to think that it twas more the actions of THE God being angry, for the people of Pompeii were notorious for their bacchanals and and worship of false gods of debauchery. The wine of Pompeii was a huge source of trade for the Roman world, it was so good that counterfeit Pompeian wine and wine fraud were huge issues requiring that Amphorae had to be stamped with the emblems of Pompeian merchants to combat the issue.
The God of creation was rather annoyed by all of this, and this false god Bacchus - in fact, he was so annoyed by the apostate heathens of Pompeii that he decided to express himself a bit, and so, The 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius had a devastating effect on the Roman wine industry. Vineyards across the region were destroyed, as well as warehouses storing the recent 78 AD vintage, causing a dramatic shortage of wine. The damage to the trading port also hindered the flow of wines from outside provinces. The wine that was available rose sharply in price, making it un affordable to all but the most affluent Romans. The wine famine caused a sense of panic among the Romans who rushed to plant vineyards in the areas near Rome, even uprooting grain fields in order to have more available areas to plant.
I have to imagine that despite how much everyone loves wine that uprooting grain fields was probably a bad idea for the poor of Rome - but such is life in a world where only the financially fittest are deemed evolved enough to survive. Darwin must have been drunk on wine - he thought that his family and some others were genetic superiors, and so they only bred with themselves, and the Darwin DNA is rather dull and stupid to this day. Seriously - investigate Darwin's eugenics! It's a major LOL!
Jesus started his legend with wine
Some of the most
ridiculous things in the entire pseudo Christian world involve how
puritanical right wing agenda fans of Christ try to lawyer their way
through the Bible in order to alienate the entire world. Oh sure, these
right wing fundamentalist don't want to alienate everyone - they want to
make everyone just like them - the most ridiculous and retarded persons
this side of the new atheist movement. Nothing annoys me more (well,
okay - I'm stretching this a bit) that fundamentalist "Christians" who
can't just accept the fact that drinking is supported and rampant
throughout the entire Torah and or Bible.
Who I'm talking about here are the same groups of idiots that support imperialist wars against Islamic nations, and who are so very insecure with their sex lives that they, quite literally, spent copious amounts of time annoying the gay and lesbian community with all out hatred - AS IF their own hatred of everyone non conforming to their non Christian ideals of Christianity were a lesser sin, or even a virtue befitting of the man who was executed and still managed to forgive his executioners.
Literally - I spend most of my life either arguing with new atheist zombies denying what they already know is true, or debating fundamentalist Christians who are often, literally, just plain hateful and stupid. It's what I do while I'm drinking WINE.
I have this bit of MAJOR advice to offer you all here - If you ever hear some sort of "minister" or "Christian" trying to lawyer his way through the Wedding at Cana, explaining how Jesus Christ wouldn't have created WINE with ALCOHOL in it. . .do not argue with a FOOL, people become confused watching that. Walk away, and find yourself a church with less bigoted persons in it who have less desire to restrict your lifestyle, and MORE desire to seek greater truths, and follow the golden rule LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.
Who I'm talking about here are the same groups of idiots that support imperialist wars against Islamic nations, and who are so very insecure with their sex lives that they, quite literally, spent copious amounts of time annoying the gay and lesbian community with all out hatred - AS IF their own hatred of everyone non conforming to their non Christian ideals of Christianity were a lesser sin, or even a virtue befitting of the man who was executed and still managed to forgive his executioners.
Literally - I spend most of my life either arguing with new atheist zombies denying what they already know is true, or debating fundamentalist Christians who are often, literally, just plain hateful and stupid. It's what I do while I'm drinking WINE.
I have this bit of MAJOR advice to offer you all here - If you ever hear some sort of "minister" or "Christian" trying to lawyer his way through the Wedding at Cana, explaining how Jesus Christ wouldn't have created WINE with ALCOHOL in it. . .do not argue with a FOOL, people become confused watching that. Walk away, and find yourself a church with less bigoted persons in it who have less desire to restrict your lifestyle, and MORE desire to seek greater truths, and follow the golden rule LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.
France . . . .
Château Pichon Longueville Baron
Aphids nearly destroyed the wine industry of France
The Wines Of France
can talk or even think much about wine without the beautiful nation of
France coming to mind. I've never been to France, but God how I'd love
to go! I just imagine Karen Lancaume like beauties running around
everywhere with glasses of wine in hand. It could be that I'm a bit
overly hormonal - but please let me have my own glorious horn dog
visions of France - let's make love, not war. . . .um. . .yeah.
The nation of France has vineyards all over it, and believe it or not - those vineyards produce between seven and eight BILLION bottles of wine EVERY YEAR. There's a good reason for thinking about France when you think about wine. I mostly just think about brunettes though - but hey, we've all got our quirks. The French Appellation rules closely define which grape varieties and wine making practices are approved for classification in each of France's several hundred geographically defined appellations - those guys have this stuff down, and this is largely why France is synonymous with WINE.
Basically, the Greeks brought wine to France in the sixth century B.C., and if you recall - the Romans also have the fantastic Greeks to thank for the know how and the love of producing and consuming the fruits of the vine. A lot of people do not know it, or refuse to acknowledge this because of their intellectual snobbishness, or because they just happen to enjoy atheism because they use it to justify whichever form of foolishness that they prefer to indulge in - but the Bavarian Illuminati caused the French Revolution in hopes of forcing the grand old one world government dream upon Western Europe first, and then the rest of the world. What's that got to do with atheism? Oh nothing much - except to deny the facts of the world today, and the direction that it is heading - one only need to be an atheist to dismiss all prophecy for the truth that it holds.
The French are said to be rather snooty, and antagonistic towards Americans. I couldn't care less - when you are as busy as I am drinking wine and dreaming of French Brunettes, you don't have time to ever feel insulted. Besides all of that, France wouldn't have ANY wine if it weren't for we Americans - you see, a terrorist had arrived on the shores of France due to the increased sea travel afforded by the steam powered ships, an Phylloxera , an Aphid, and it just loved to eat up French grape vines. Steam powered ships, you see, could cross the oceans and arrive in France with live aphids that hadn't died out in route as they had before now,can anyone say, Napa Valley? Anyone?
The nation of France has vineyards all over it, and believe it or not - those vineyards produce between seven and eight BILLION bottles of wine EVERY YEAR. There's a good reason for thinking about France when you think about wine. I mostly just think about brunettes though - but hey, we've all got our quirks. The French Appellation rules closely define which grape varieties and wine making practices are approved for classification in each of France's several hundred geographically defined appellations - those guys have this stuff down, and this is largely why France is synonymous with WINE.
Basically, the Greeks brought wine to France in the sixth century B.C., and if you recall - the Romans also have the fantastic Greeks to thank for the know how and the love of producing and consuming the fruits of the vine. A lot of people do not know it, or refuse to acknowledge this because of their intellectual snobbishness, or because they just happen to enjoy atheism because they use it to justify whichever form of foolishness that they prefer to indulge in - but the Bavarian Illuminati caused the French Revolution in hopes of forcing the grand old one world government dream upon Western Europe first, and then the rest of the world. What's that got to do with atheism? Oh nothing much - except to deny the facts of the world today, and the direction that it is heading - one only need to be an atheist to dismiss all prophecy for the truth that it holds.
The French are said to be rather snooty, and antagonistic towards Americans. I couldn't care less - when you are as busy as I am drinking wine and dreaming of French Brunettes, you don't have time to ever feel insulted. Besides all of that, France wouldn't have ANY wine if it weren't for we Americans - you see, a terrorist had arrived on the shores of France due to the increased sea travel afforded by the steam powered ships, an Phylloxera , an Aphid, and it just loved to eat up French grape vines. Steam powered ships, you see, could cross the oceans and arrive in France with live aphids that hadn't died out in route as they had before now,can anyone say, Napa Valley? Anyone?
Napa valley has more miles of this than you'd likely ever imagine
Napa Valley - California.
was unforgettable to be a Texan and to pass through Napa Valley during
the daytime. It's not something that will ever be forgotten. I'd never
seen such green grass, and I'd never before say vineyards off to where
the earth meets the sky in the distance. I'd never smelled that
permeating smell that the grape vines of California produce with such
resplendent ease. It's overpowering - not the smell, the beauty, and the
uniqueness of it all.
Nearly three quarters the size of France - California's Napa Valley accounts for ninety percent of all US wine production. The production in California alone is one third larger than that of Australia If California were a separate country, it would be the world's fourth-largest wine producer. When the Spanish first got to California - they planted vineyards simply because they needed wine for mass. Praise God for the Catholic church!
The year 1976 was significant for California Vineyards and wines - years after rescuing the entire nation of France from the bug blight, California wines beat out French wines in both red and white wine categories. But tragedy wrought by fundamentalist pseudo Christian extremist would soon wrack California vineyards with it's always tragic and retarded fury. Prohibition destroyed the California wine making industry with the 18th amendment. Luckily, prohibition was repealed - but the lessons were learned - now our government prohibits all sorts of substances - except when big pharmaceutical industries produce similar ones. In the case of cocaine, our Central Intelligence Agency imports it so that they can lock up poor black peoples for crack possession, and so that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney can make ever increasing profits for their private prison endeavors. It's the American Hypocrisy way!
Nearly three quarters the size of France - California's Napa Valley accounts for ninety percent of all US wine production. The production in California alone is one third larger than that of Australia If California were a separate country, it would be the world's fourth-largest wine producer. When the Spanish first got to California - they planted vineyards simply because they needed wine for mass. Praise God for the Catholic church!
The year 1976 was significant for California Vineyards and wines - years after rescuing the entire nation of France from the bug blight, California wines beat out French wines in both red and white wine categories. But tragedy wrought by fundamentalist pseudo Christian extremist would soon wrack California vineyards with it's always tragic and retarded fury. Prohibition destroyed the California wine making industry with the 18th amendment. Luckily, prohibition was repealed - but the lessons were learned - now our government prohibits all sorts of substances - except when big pharmaceutical industries produce similar ones. In the case of cocaine, our Central Intelligence Agency imports it so that they can lock up poor black peoples for crack possession, and so that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney can make ever increasing profits for their private prison endeavors. It's the American Hypocrisy way!
Have Some Red Wine!
Red Wine
much everyone these days has heard that red wine is good for their
heart. I'm told that the French with their higher than normal intake of
things like butter, and red wine - have less heart disease on average
than do Americans. But what is often left out of that bit of wine
promotion is that the French also have more liver disease than the
common American. I think I'd really rather just enjoy some wine and not
think about it. I'm not going to have heart disease, I'm rail thin and
ride a bicycle everywhere. I seriously could have liver problems at some
later date though - I think no day is ever complete without several
drinks. I can do that. Not everyone can.
Antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart. A polyphenol called resveratrol is one substance in red wine that's gotten attention. Resveratrol might be a key ingredient in red wine that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Don't want to drink wine, or have an alcohol problem but would still like some benefit? Just yesterday I picked up some red wine extract from a store, no, I don't know if that will do the trick or not; but it's worth a try, and if you've got heart problems, then you should certainly try any natural remedies over big pharmaceutical corporations that only wish to suck your blood till you are dry.
Other equally important benefits from drinking red wines are as follows:
Lung Cancer
Researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain found that each glass of red wine per day reduced the risk of lung cancer by 13%.
Prostate Cancer
Four or more glasses of red wine per week has been shown to reduce men's overall risk of prostate cancer by 50% and the risk of the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer by 60%.
Brain Health
Resveratrol has been shown to protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart. A polyphenol called resveratrol is one substance in red wine that's gotten attention. Resveratrol might be a key ingredient in red wine that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Don't want to drink wine, or have an alcohol problem but would still like some benefit? Just yesterday I picked up some red wine extract from a store, no, I don't know if that will do the trick or not; but it's worth a try, and if you've got heart problems, then you should certainly try any natural remedies over big pharmaceutical corporations that only wish to suck your blood till you are dry.
Other equally important benefits from drinking red wines are as follows:
Lung Cancer
Researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain found that each glass of red wine per day reduced the risk of lung cancer by 13%.
Prostate Cancer
Four or more glasses of red wine per week has been shown to reduce men's overall risk of prostate cancer by 50% and the risk of the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer by 60%.
Brain Health
Resveratrol has been shown to protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
White wine is supposedly good for the lungs
Science Daily - White Wine and Lung Health
- Drinking Wine, Particularly White Wine, May Help Keep Lungs Healthy, University At Buffalo Study Fin
Drinking wine appears to be good for the lungs, a University at Buffalo study has shown, and in this case, the primary credit goes to white wine rather than red.
I'm very pleased to read here that white wine in particular seems to benefit the health of the white wine drinker's lungs.
"This finding may indicate that nutrients in wine are responsible for the positive effect of alcoholic beverages on lung function," said Schunemann. "Red wine in moderation has been shown to be beneficial for the heart, but in this case the relationship was stronger for white wine."
"Evidence suggests that alcohol may increase the oxidative burden," he noted, "but there is a large body of evidence showing that wine contains antioxidants such as flavinoids and phenols. We also have shown that both dietary levels and blood serum levels of antioxidants are linked to lung health and function. We think that the antioxidants in wine account for our current findings."
The link to the right is the source of the quotes above in bold and italics - heck, it's scientist saying this, and they have proof of these claims, unlike the claims of some rather famous and annoying evolutionary biologist that I prefer not to mention in my totally pleasant article about wine. I like white wine quite a lot, I even think that I prefer it to red wine. I think I'll buy whites for now on instead of reds - and the reason for this is because I'm a smoker of sorts. I smoke things sometimes, and not always are they meats in a cooker.
"This finding may indicate that nutrients in wine are responsible for the positive effect of alcoholic beverages on lung function," said Schunemann. "Red wine in moderation has been shown to be beneficial for the heart, but in this case the relationship was stronger for white wine."
"Evidence suggests that alcohol may increase the oxidative burden," he noted, "but there is a large body of evidence showing that wine contains antioxidants such as flavinoids and phenols. We also have shown that both dietary levels and blood serum levels of antioxidants are linked to lung health and function. We think that the antioxidants in wine account for our current findings."
The link to the right is the source of the quotes above in bold and italics - heck, it's scientist saying this, and they have proof of these claims, unlike the claims of some rather famous and annoying evolutionary biologist that I prefer not to mention in my totally pleasant article about wine. I like white wine quite a lot, I even think that I prefer it to red wine. I think I'll buy whites for now on instead of reds - and the reason for this is because I'm a smoker of sorts. I smoke things sometimes, and not always are they meats in a cooker.
perfectly and exceedingly well aware that alcoholic beverages are
horrific things for some persons. I've seen people change dramatically
from the smallest amounts, and then drink themselves into strange
creatures that don't resemble who they are at all. Those persons simply
shouldn't drink.
But for the rest of us, whether it's a bottle of white, a bottle of red, or perhaps some rose instead - drink responsibly and at home if and when you are able. Life in a city and with public low cost transportation and a nice group of friends in a community tavern is preferable for me - it's only that I don't currently have that luxury. As for me sitting here in the rural community of Kaufman, Texas - I'll have mine on ice mixed with blueberry pomegranate juice!
But for the rest of us, whether it's a bottle of white, a bottle of red, or perhaps some rose instead - drink responsibly and at home if and when you are able. Life in a city and with public low cost transportation and a nice group of friends in a community tavern is preferable for me - it's only that I don't currently have that luxury. As for me sitting here in the rural community of Kaufman, Texas - I'll have mine on ice mixed with blueberry pomegranate juice!
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